Make Moving Easier

Sort through all your belongings,
like your furniture, children’s toys, clothes, books and even crockery. Give any
unwanted items to your friend or the local charity home. Don’t pack them and
take them with you and only to have them sorted out in the new home.
Labels all boxes clearly
Make sure that all boxes are
labelled clearly with their contents. You can take it a step further by using
colour coding to organise where the boxes will go in your new home.
Right size of boxes
Small boxes for heavy items like
books and large boxes for light items like linens and pillows. This is to
reduce the chance of breaking your valuables and making the moving job easier.
Put heavier items at the bottoms of the boxes, lighter items on top.
Secure the boxes well
Use the tape generously to close the
bottom and top seams, then making a couple of wraps all the way around the
box’s top and bottom edges, where pressure is concentrated.
Bundle the breakables
As you pack your dishes, put packing
paper around each one, then wrap bundles of five or six together with more
paper. Pack dishes on their sides, never flat, and use plenty of crunched-up
paper as padding above and below. Cups and bowls can be placed inside one
another, with paper in between, and wrapped three or four in a bundle. Pack
them all in a dish-barrel boxes and label it “FRAGILE – THIS SIDE UP”.
May your house move be a great move.
By: Pek Yeng
Image courtesy of iStockphoto
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