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Friday, September 27, 2013

Akemi Uchi Galleria Launched Schlossberg Switzerland Exclusively

Akemi Uchi Galleria Launched Schlossberg Switzerland Exclusively

by Joras

Kuala Lumpur, 20 September 2013- Akemi Uchi Galleria is proud to introduce Schlossberg Switzerland, the home brand renowned for its fine quality, luxurious fabrics and exquisite design. The launching was held privately in Bangsar Shopping Centre. Cocktail and delicious food was served for invited guests and media partners.

AKEMI UCHI 920日在Bangsar Shopping Centre举办了一场Schlossberg Switzerland 床品发布会。当天以欧式典雅、纯白色调形式布置,搭配上鸡尾酒及一些餐点招待到场的来宾。

With Schlossberg Switzerland’s elegance and luxury European style textured, it represents purity and limpidity. The décor of Akemi Uchi Galleria comprises retro and modern elements, providing a feeling of an old European shop. The wood-coloured briefcase series, antique steel fan, and the Schlossberg Switzerland bed décor displayed in Akemi Uchi Galleria have outlined Akemi Uchi Galleria’s  brand style, accent and taste.

随着Schlossberg Switzerland的欧式奢华典雅质感的风格,洁白而透明。摆放在Akemi Uchi Galleria这复古摩登的装潢,仿佛身处古欧式的店铺。木色系列的公事包,陈旧的铁风扇,还有Akemi Uchi摆卖的床单系列搭配Schlossberg Switzerland床单摆设,勾勒出Akemi Uchi品牌强烈风格的品味。

It has been more than 180 years, Schlossberg stands for textile tradition. Its over a century’s story has become a legend, the brand is renowned for its fine quality, luxurious fabrics and exquisite designs. Schlossberg Switzerland luxury bedding is the symbol to quality, water colours, coloured pens or oil-chalk, every designs are hand-drawn and implemented to the highest possible technical quality standards. Every aspect of the finishing process is implemented with a high sense of responsibility for the product and environment.

Schlossberg Switzerland开业至今历史悠久,经历过180年的风霜,如今在纺织业仍保持着高标顶级品质保证的不朽传说。极具奢华的材质,都是经过重重关卡审核及筛选,势必采用品质最佳的质量。在设计方面多以水彩,彩色笔及油粉笔的手工绘图以能有效的达到最高质量的技术标准,给予在视觉与触觉的这两大主要感官上有一种非凡的享受。

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